Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Spain, 10 also called Kingdom of Spain, note 2 is a sovereign country, member of the European Union, established in social and democratic state of law and whose form of government is a parliamentary monarchy. Its territory is organized into seventeen autonomous communities and two autonomous cities, plus fifty provincias.10 Its capital is the city of Madrid.

It is a transcontinental country that is located in both Western Europe and North Africa. In Europe it occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula, known as mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands archipelago (in the western Mediterranean Sea); African cities of Ceuta (in Tingitana peninsula) and Melilla are (in the Cape Three Forks), the Canary Islands (in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean), Chafarinas Islands (Mediterranean Sea), the rock of Vélez of the Gomera (Mediterranean Sea), the Al Hoceima (Lavenders gulf islands) Islands and the island of Alboran (Alboran Sea). The town of Llivia, in the Pyrenees, is an enclave completely surrounded by France. Complete set of territories a series of islands off the mainland coast own.

It covers an area of ​​504,645 square kilometers, the fourth largest country in the continent, after Russia, Ukraine and Francia.nota 3 With an average altitude of 650 meters is one of the most mountainous countries in Europe. Its population is 46,439,864 inhabitants (2015) .4 The mainland shares land borders with France and Andorra to the north, west and Portugal to the British territory of Gibraltar to the south. In its African territories, shares land and sea borders with Morocco. Share with France's sovereignty over the island of Pheasants in the mouth of the river Bidasoa five facerías pirenaicas.nota 4

According to the Spanish Constitution, the Castilian or Spanish is the official language of the state and all Spaniards have the duty to know and the right to usarla.21 In 2006, it was the mother tongue of 89% of españoles.22 Other languages also Spanish, are recognized as co-official in various regions, according to the Statute of Autonomy.

Gross domestic product puts the Spanish economy in the world thirteenth position. Spain is a tourist power, the third most visited country in the world with 65 million tourists in 2014, and the second in the world in economic revenues turismo.23 is also the eighth country with the largest presence of multinacionales.24 25 has a very high index of human development (0.869), according to the 2014 report of the ONU.6

The first proven presence of the Homo genus of hominids dating back 1.2 million years before present, as evidenced by the discovery of a jaw of a Homo yet clasficar in Atapuerca.26 In the third century. C., there was the Roman intervention in the peninsula, which led to a subsequent conquest of what later became Hispania. In the Middle Ages, the area was conquered by various Germanic peoples and Muslims, settled for more than seven centuries. It is not until the s. xv, with the dynastic union of Castile and Aragon and the completion of the Reconquista, along with the subsequent annexation of Navarre, when you can talk about the foundation of Spain, as was recognized in the exterior.27 28 29 already in the Modern Age, Spanish monarchs dominated the first global colonial empire, covering territories on five continents, Note 5 leaving a vast cultural and linguistic heritage across the globe. In the early nineteenth, after successive wars in Latin America, lost most of its colonies, to accrue this situation with the disaster of 98. During this century, a war against the French invaders, a series of civil wars, a short-lived republic also produce replaced by a constitutional monarchy and the modernization of the country again. In the first third of the twentieth century, it proclaimed a constitutional republic and civil war following a military coup that would take the power to General Francisco Franco began. The country was under his dictatorship until his death in 1975, when a transition to democracy began, whose climax was the drafting, ratification and enactment of the current Constitution, which holds as the law of freedom higher values, justice , equality and pluralism político.10


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